Frequently Asked Questions


How to manage return of investment for event?

With Sperience, you can create unique lead source and tag it to any lead generated from your corporate events or activities.

Managing leads have never been easier as salesperson would be updated on the datelines on the on-going tasks and closing date of the lead via notifications and alerts. This allow salesperson to follow the lead closely through the whole sales pipeline.

By the end of the event, you can generate and export powerful and organised excel reports of the event in just a few clicks, measuring your Return of Investment.

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How to manage commit and closure for the salesperson for the month?

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You will be able to monitor the details of all Quote created as well as the profit of company automatically, base on the input of the sales team. By using this information,you will be able to forecast the revenue for the month or quarter.


How to manage pipeline target with quotation module?

The system will provide detail overview of all quotations which included the part number, total selling price and total margin etc. By using this information, the manager will be able to combine the reports and situation of the company to carry out a better marketing plan for the salesperson to help them to hit their target and increase the profit earn by the company.

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Why start to manage competitors information, how does it help?

By storing and managing competitor information, it helps your salesperson to gauge the markup on every quotation when competing on particular product or solution. This would also be a great help, if there are any sales turnover as the new salesperson will be able to learn about the customer acceptance range right away.

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How can i manage when there is a salesperson turnover?

All quotations and leads can be transferred to other salesperson at any point in time when needed. For example, if there was a change in salesperson managing the account which have an ongoing project or deal.  In this situation, the manager will be able to assign these quotes to different existing salesperson so that the company will not lose track of any quotation and maximise the effort of the previous salesperson.

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How to rationalise in a sales report where there is a multi-currency?

Yes. The currency exchange rate is different every day. To make sure the company will not lose profit due to exchange rate issues, the system is be able to update the exchange rate daily. The system will be able to prevent users to quote in any other currency if the selected currency to bill is not updated.  

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How can Sperience be used as a marketing tool?

You can use the generated excel report to analysis what product or services are more popular within any period and look into the current trend of your customers. On the other hand, you can now do targeted email marketing to these customers for your digital marketing efforts.